Access Modifiers


Private: Private members are only accessible from within the class in which they are declared. It is a default access level.

Public: Public members are accessible to all other objects in the program.

Protected: The protected access level is like the private access level, except that it allows classes derived from the class to access the member.

Internal: Members marked internal are visible to all the classes in the assembly, but not to classes outside the assembly.

Protected internal: Members marked protected internal are visible to all the classes that inherit from the class, and also to all classes inside the assembly.


How to Open  C#
We can develop the programs in two ways , one is console mode another one is graphical mode through IDE.

Command Mode
Using command line compiler we can compile the C# program through CSC.EXE (C sharp comliper). The extension of the C# is .cs after compilation it will create the EXE file.

Prior to running csc.exe, you may need to run the batch file vcvars32.bat, which is typically found in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin directory. Alternatively, you can activate a command-prompt session that is already initialized for C# by selecting a Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt from the list of tools shown under the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 entry in the Start | Programs menu of the task bar.